Kan. Senate Supports 911 Shakeup and Ending Audit
The Kansas Senate passed two 911 bills Wednesday. State senators voted 39-1 in favor of HB-2690, a possible state 911 administration shakeup that would replace the Kansas 911 Coordinating Council with a state 911 board, allow counties to contract with each other to consolidate public safety answering points and require transfer of 911 fees collected from monthly phone bills and prepaid wireless sales to state 911 funds at the state treasury (see 2403060075). Senators also voted 39-1 to pass HB-2483, which would eliminate a five-year audit by the Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit. The audit checks if public safety answering points are appropriately using 911 funding, whether they have enough money and the status of 911 service implementation (see 2402220062). The House previously passed both bills but must agree to Senate amendments.