Calif. ALJ Grades AT&T Relief Request as Incomplete
AT&T must amend an application seeking relief of carrier of last resort obligations due to “substantial incompleteness,” Administrative Law Judge Thomas Glegola ruled Wednesday in docket A.23-03-003: “As it stands, a prehearing conference will not be scheduled, and the application is at risk of dismissal.” AT&T failed to specify in what census blocks it wants relief or name affected communities, said the ALJ: The carrier has 30 days to amend its application. AT&T in a filing supporting its petition last month declared copper is dead (see 2304170055). AT&T will provide the requested information, said a company spokesperson: “We appreciate the Judge’s guidance and direction regarding AT&T’s request to begin the process for a fair transition from outdated, copper-based telephone networks and services to the modern communication technologies consumers demand."