5GAA Seeks All of 5.9 GHz Band for C-V2X
The best course for the 5.9 GHz band would be reallocating it for cellular vehicle to everything technology (C-V2X), the 5G Automotive Association said in a call with staff from the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology and Office of Economics and Analytics. 5GAA proposed two plans but preferred the one to allocate the band's upper portion for basic C-V2X direct services and the lower portion for advanced C-V2X. “Should the Commission choose to reallocate the lower portion of the band for unlicensed operations, the 5GAA representatives stressed the importance of adopting rules that allow for robust C-V2X Direct operations in the upper portion,” the group said. If the FCC opens the band for Wi-Fi, “identify 40 MHz of dedicated, mid-band spectrum elsewhere for Advanced C-V2X Direct,” the association asked. Representatives of major automakers and tech companies including Qualcomm, Nokia and Panasonic participated, said a filing posted Thursday in docket 19-138.