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China Chassis: New AD/CVD Investigations Deadlines & Scope

The Commerce Department issued notices in the Federal Register on its recently initiated antidumping and countervailing duty investigations on chassis and subassemblies thereof from China (A-570-135/C-570-136). The CV duty investigation covers entries Jan. 1, 2019, through Dec. 31, 2019. The AD duty investigation covers entries Jan. 1, 2020, through June 30, 2020.

The International Trade Commission will conduct a concurrent investigation to determine whether imports of dumped and illegally subsidized chassis and subassemblies thereof from China are injuring U.S. industry. If the ITC finds no injury in its preliminary injury determination, due Sept. 14, the investigations will immediately end. If Commerce finds dumping or illegal subsidization in the preliminary determinations of these investigations, due in October for CV duties and January for AD duties, it will set AD and/or CV duty cash deposit requirements for imports of merchandise subject to the investigation. If both Commerce and the ITC reach affirmative final determinations, Commerce will issue an AD and/or CV duty order making duties permanent and beginning a process of annual administrative reviews to set final assessments of AD/CV duties on importers and potentially change AD/CV duty cash deposit rates.

If duties are imposed, Chinese producers and exporters who do not demonstrate independence from government control and request eligibility for a “separate rate” will be assigned the antidumping duty “China-wide rate,” which can reach more than 200 percent for some products. Separate rate applications from Chinese producers and exporters will be available (here), and are due on or about Sept. 25.

AD/CVD Respondent Selection

Commerce will examine the only two known Chinese exporters of chassis from China, Qingdao CIMC Special Vehicles Co., Ltd. and Dongguan CIMC Vehicle. Both are subsidiaries of China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.

Scope of the AD/CVD Investigations

The merchandise covered by this investigation is chassis and subassemblies thereof, whether finished or unfinished, whether assembled or unassembled, whether coated or uncoated, regardless of the number of axles, for carriage of containers, or other payloads (including self-supporting payloads) for road, marine roll-on/roll-off (RORO) and/or rail transport. Chassis are typically, but are not limited to, rectangular framed trailers with a suspension and axle system, wheels and tires, brakes, a lighting and electrical system, a coupling for towing behind a truck tractor, and a locking system or systems to secure the shipping container or containers to the chassis using twistlocks, slide pins or similar attachment devices to engage the corner fittings on the container or other payload.

Subject merchandise includes, but is not limited to, the following subassemblies:

Importation of any of these subassemblies, whether assembled or unassembled, constitutes an unfinished chassis for purposes of this investigation.

Subject merchandise also includes chassis, whether finished or unfinished, entered with or for further assembly with components such as, but not limited to: hub and drum assemblies, brake assemblies (either drum or disc), axles, brake chambers, suspensions and suspension components, wheel end components, landing gear legs, spoke or disc wheels, tires, brake control systems, electrical harnesses and lighting systems.

Processing of finished and unfinished chassis and components such as trimming, cutting, grinding, notching, punching, drilling, painting, coating, staining, finishing, assembly, or any other processing either in the country of manufacture of the in-scope product or in a third country does not remove the product from the scope. Inclusion of other components not identified as comprising the finished or unfinished chassis does not remove the product from the scope.

This scope excludes dry van trailers, refrigerated van trailers and flatbed trailers. Dry van trailers are trailers with a wholly enclosed cargo space comprised of fixed sides, nose, floor and roof, with articulated panels (doors) across the rear and occasionally at selected places on the sides, with the cargo space being permanently incorporated in the trailer itself. Refrigerated van trailers are trailers with a wholly enclosed cargo space comprised of fixed sides, nose, floor and roof, with articulated panels (doors) across the rear and occasionally at selected places on the sides, with the cargo space being permanently incorporated in the trailer and being insulated, possessing specific thermal properties intended for use with self-contained refrigeration systems. Flatbed (or platform) trailers consist of load-carrying main frames and a solid, flat or stepped loading deck or floor permanently incorporated with and supported by frame rails and cross members.

The finished and unfinished chassis subject to this investigation are typically classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) at subheadings: 8716.39.0090 and 8716.90.5060. Imports of finished and unfinished chassis may also enter under HTSUS subheading 8716.90.5010. While the HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and customs purposes, the written description of the merchandise under investigation is dispositive.

Comments on the scope of these investigations are due by Sept. 8.

Investigations Timetable

EventCV DutyAD Duty
Petitions filed07/30/2007/30/20
DOC initiation date08/19/2008/19/20
ITC prelim determinations09/14/2009/14/20
DOC prelim determinations10/23/2001/06/21
DOC final determinations01/06/2103/22/21
ITC final determinations02/22/2105/06/21
Issuance of orders03/01/2105/13/21

These deadlines may, and usually are, extended. The Commerce Department fact sheet on the initiation of these investigations is (here). See 2008030060 for a summary of the petition requesting these investigations.