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Industry Seeks Broad Safe Harbor to Block 1-Ring Scams

Give voice providers more call blocking authority and more liability protection, industry asked the FCC in comments posted through Monday in docket 20-93. Don't limit a safe harbor to one-ring scams because doing so wouldn't "provide the certainty against all illegal robocalls as new scams arise," USTelecom said. "T-Mobile and other carriers will be hesitant to take advantage of opt-out call blocking without a safe harbor," it said. The safe harbor should also "protect providers from liability due to inadvertent mislabeling or misidentification of a call’s level of trust," said CTIA. Avoid "prescriptive requirements governing how providers communicate with their subscribers -- for instance, call labeling requirements or a requirement to notify subscribers dialing international toll-generating numbers of the cost before connecting the call, the latter of which could be a complex and expensive undertaking," said NCTA. Incompas said a new rule for international gateway providers to verify "the nature and purpose of foreign originators would be unnecessary and overly burdensome." AT&T said FCC should require as "baseline best practices for robocall mitigation" that providers have "the capability to monitor traffic patterns that would flag suspect calling campaigns, and then robust application of the provider’s terms of service to eliminate problem customers."