Union Gives Low Marks to 2017 Verizon-Sacramento 5G Partnership
Verizon failed to deliver promised community benefits from a 5G partnership with Sacramento from two years ago, the Communications Workers of America said Monday, releasing a report and launching a website about ensuring such accountability. The deal lacked accountability and transparency, and the 5G network reaches 6 percent of residents, said CWA, citing Moffett Nathanson from March. The carrier isn’t required to build to all parts of the community, so it’s not bridging the city's digital divide, and the agreement didn’t address employment standards and hiring practices, the union said. “It’s clear that Verizon pushed Sacramento into an unfair deal with the promise of being a 5G city,” said District 9 Vice President Tom Runnion. Verizon and other carriers should be held accountable, said The Utility Reform Network Executive Director Mark Toney: “A public-private partnership becomes a corporate giveaway if companies aren't required to provide promised public benefits in exchange for preferred access to infrastructure or other public resources.” A California court last year ruled the deal conflicted with Sacramento's contract with XG Communities (see 1810040048). Verizon and the state capital city didn’t comment.