NEMA, AHAM Say FCC Should Help Canada Address Electromagnetic Interference Concerns
The FCC should help Canada resolve concerns with equipment standards for electromagnetic interference, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association commented to Office of Management and Budget's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, for the U.S.-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council that aims to reduce intercountry regulatory differences. NEMA said earlier this month that Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch proposed revisions to Canada's equipment standards in April that would "create trade barriers and fracture the U.S.-Canada market for many products, including wall mounted lighting dimmers." NEMA recommended the FCC "assist ISED Canada in addressing equipment EMI concerns" and "the agencies develop a common approach that achieves EMI mitigation objectives while minimizing regulatory burden and preventing barriers to trade." The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers made similar recommendations.