FCC Adopts New Ground Path Interference Mitigation Rules
The FCC adopted new rules to mitigate ground path interference between 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite Service (BSS) and direct broadcast satellite. In an order released Tuesday in docket 06-123, it said it won't subject existing DBS feeder-link stations to new interference mitigation requirements, grandfathering them from the rules adopted in the order. It also opted not to set up protection zones around existing DBS feeder-link earth stations that transmit in the 17.3-17.7 GHz band, saying it preferred BSS operators determine optimal separation distance between their earth stations and the feeder-link stations on an ad hoc basis. And it adopted a two-part test for letting existing feeder-link operators modify their networks or add antennas if aggregate power flux density from the additions doesn't surpass the aggregate PFD from the existing station and if any new antenna is within a kilometer of existing authorized feeder-link station antennas.