Satellite Operators Seeking Additional Spectrum Sharing Rules for UMFUS
Satellite interests are pushing the FCC to adopt rules on satellite/upper microwave flexible use system (UMFUS) sharing in the 28 GHz and 37/39 GHz bands. In a docket 14-177 ex parte filing posted Wednesday. operators pitched reduction in maximum base station power limits for UMFUS and a requirement for UMFUS use of beam forming and power control. They said such steps are needed to ensure UMFUS doesn't cause aggregate interference to satellites in the 28 GHz band and to aid opportunistic sharing between UMFUS and satellite receivers in the 37/39 GHz bands. The spectrum frontiers record makes clear UMFUS is likely to take such steps to prevent interference with their own networks, so including them in rules creates more certainty about the possibility of spectrum sharing, the satellite operators said. The filing recapped a meeting involving International Bureau personnel including Satellite Division head Jose Albuquerque with EchoStar Senior Vice President-Regulatory Affairs Jennifer Manner, Inmarsat Director-Regulatory Giselle Creeser, OneWeb Policy Director Marc Dupuis, O3b regulatory counsel William Lewis, Intelsat Spectrum Policy-Americas Manager Alexander Gerdenitsch and Boeing outside counsel Bruce Olcott of Jones Day.