Open Connectivity Foundation Pushing for IoT Standardization, Interoperability
Roughly 60 percent of respondents in an Open Connectivity Foundation survey of 250 respondents at CES said they consider standardization and interoperability, cybersecurity concerns, and overall technological innovation when buying connected devices, said OCF. Lack of industry consensus on open standards and protocols is hindering IoT market growth, it said. “Without seamless interoperability among connected devices, regardless of brand or manufacturer, the Internet of Things cannot reach its full potential,” said the group. Findings from the survey: 67 percent of respondents said they owned three or more connected devices; 80 percent planned to buy a connected device in the next six months; 54 percent showed a preference for devices that connect to the Internet; 63 percent said it’s important that devices interoperate and communicate seamlessly; and 60 percent said they would be much more likely to purchase connected devices with a security certification.