NFL/DirecTV Litigants Seeking Full Copies of CBS, Fox Broadcast Contracts
Saying the Fox and CBS TV contracts that the NFL produced on discovery were redacted to the point of being meaningless, plaintiffs against the NFL and DirecTV over NFL Sunday Ticket antitrust concerns (see 1512300027) want the court to order it to provide unredacted copies, they said. In a position statement (in Pacer) filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, the plaintiffs of 27 consolidated class-action complaints said the league cited portions of the contracts in a motion to dismiss and they in turn agreed to limit discovery during the pendency of the motion to dismiss as long as the NFL agreed to produce those contracts. What the league provided was nearly fully redacted copies to the point where one network even redacted portions of its NFL contract that already had been filed, the plaintiffs said. The NFL didn't comment Thursday.