IoT, 5G Top Areas of Focus at Global Standards Collaboration Meeting
The IoT, 5G, security and privacy were among focuses of the 20th meeting of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) in New Delhi last month, the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions said Tuesday in a news release. The IoT “remains a key topic for standardization and attracts interest from industry, public authorities and end users,” ATIS said. “GSC members reviewed current standardization activities focused on specific applications and use cases, such as smart cities and intelligent manufacturing. They also explored how IoT can help address global challenges such as electricity access in the developing parts of the world.” GSC members also discussed “current and anticipated standardization and research activities in the 5G area,” ATIS said: “They noted the importance of engaging both regulators and businesses in the development of 5G and reiterated the need for continued collaboration among” standards groups.