Bell Fibe TV 4K DVR Available for Purchase by Customers in 4 Canadian Markets
Bell Fibe TV customers in Montréal, Ottawa, Québec City and Toronto can buy Bell's new 4K DVR for C$599 (about $413) with capacity to record up to 150 hours of 4K content and Bluetooth remote-control support, the Canadian telco said in a Monday announcement. The DVR will be "ready" for high dynamic range “as the next step in broadcast technology becomes available,” it said. By late February, availability of the DVR for purchase or rent will be expanded to all and new and existing Bell Fibe TV customers and to Bell Aliant FibreOP TV customers in Atlantic Canada, it said. With the new DVR and an Ultra HD TV, Fibe TV customers “can enjoy a growing range of 4K content from Bell Media and other providers,” including Wednesday’s TSN live telecast in 4K of the Toronto Raptors-Boston Celtics NBA game, it said. “Live 4K production is a bold new frontier for the TV industry, intensifying the live sports viewing experience with enhanced motion detail, increased screen pixel counts, and greater brightness range.”