Lessig Weighing 2016 White House Run
Harvard Law School professor Larry Lessig, an active voice in tech policy, is weighing a run for the Democratic nomination for president. “Today we've launched a kickstarter-like campaign, to raise the funds necessary to make a run plausible,” Lessig said in a Huffington Post column Tuesday. “If we hit our target of $1 million by Labor Day, then I will give this run every ounce of my energy.” His campaign would prioritize campaign finance overhaul, as he highlights on his 2016 website. “President [Barack] Obama should get Congress to shut down the FCC and similar vestigial regulators,” Lessig proposed in a December 2008 column for Newsweek. He has backed the net neutrality protections of the FCC under Title II of the Communications Act. “Title-II-light is the right regulatory home,” Lessig said in a different Huffington Post piece in February, lauding the White House for its advocacy and FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler for his interpretation of the statute. “Unlike the old days with utility regulation, the FCC will not regulate rates, or impose tariffs, or undue administrative burdens.”