Cisco To Tout DSRC Radio Technology During Thursday's House Hearing
All cars need to be equipped with dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) radio technology, Cisco Global Transportation Executive Barry Einsig plans to testify Thursday before the House Commerce Trade Subcommittee during its hearing on vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Einsig will testify that the “private sector is poised to deploy DSRC” in cars and “the corresponding IP network that will connect our roadways in ways never before possible.” Other witnesses will address the spectrum concerns in the upper 5 GHz, currently held by automotive interests for vehicle-to-vehicle tech but under debate about whether that spectrum can be used for licensed purposes. “Thorough and robust testing” is needed to evaluate that sharing, General Motors Executive Director-Global Connected Customer Experience Harry Lightsey will testify. The Wi-Fi Innovation Act (S-424/HR-821) raises “concerns of substantial delay and uncertainty with regards to the viability of the spectrum for DSRC that should be addressed before any legislation is considered further,” Lightsey will say. “We are very optimistic about a sharing proposal from Cisco that would operate on a ‘listen, detect and vacate’ basis. We have engaged with Cisco and plan to begin testing their technology as soon as possible.” The hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. in 2123 Rayburn.