The challenges faced by each school or library...
The challenges faced by each school or library are different, NTCA CEO Shirley Bloomfield said in a statement after the passage of the FCC E-rate modernization order. (See separate report above in this issue.) “We need to make sure that limited E-Rate program resources are used effectively to address unique problems faced by individual institutions rather than being consumed for any single purpose,” Bloomfield said. The order “takes a step toward ensuring that our young people continue to have access to world-class learning resources -- regardless of where they live or the affluence of their school districts and libraries,” said PCIA CEO Jonathan Adelstein. The action “to use E-Rate funding in a balanced and integrated way to deliver true high speed Internet service to schools and libraries ... represents an important step toward realizing the promise of the Administration’s ConnectED initiative,” Comcast Executive Vice President David Cohen wrote ( on the cable operator’s blog.