2013 Preliminary TRQ on Tuna and Skipjack Opens Jan. 2
CBP issued a memorandum saying the 2013 preliminary low-duty tariff rate quota limit for tuna and skipjack, in airtight containers, not in oil, in containers, weighing with their contents not over 7 kg each, is 15,843,092 kg.
This low-duty TRQ will open Jan. 2 under opening moment procedures, with the over-quota (high-duty) tariff numbers and rates in effect for all entry/entry summaries.
The final quota limit will be provided to CBP by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in March. Upon receipt of the final quota limit, CBP will issue proration and liquidation instructions to the trade and field.
(See CBP's notice for applicable high-duty HTS numbers, instructions regarding withholding of liquidation and use of Holding Code 109, etc.)
(QBT-12-534, dated 12/13/12)