Shrimp Group Lauds Inclusion of PROTECT Language in Customs Bill
The Southern Shrimp Alliance voiced appreciation for the inclusion of Rep. Charles Boustany's Preventing Recurring Trade Evasion and Circumvention Act (PROTECT) within the the Customs Trade Facilitation and Enforcement Act of 2012 (HR-6642). HR-6642 was introduced Dec. 7 by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas).
(See ITT's Online Archives 12120728 for summary of the bill.)
Boustany's bill addressed the issue of antidumping/countervailing duty evasion. Thanks to Boustany, "the Southern Shrimp Alliance achieved a major legislative milestone in its efforts to combat illegal shrimp imports and the fraudulent circumvention of antidumping duties by importers of foreign shrimp," said John Williams, executive director of the alliance. "Circumvention of the antidumping orders on shrimp has had a terrible impact on the U.S. shrimp industry. I expect this seminal legislation will be a game changer for our friends at CBP who work tirelessly to enforce our US trade laws every day of the year.”