CBP Releases Finalized Assessment for Deployment of Low Energy X-Ray Systems
CBP released its finalized Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for Low Energy X-Ray Inspection Systems (LEXRIS). The PEA analyzes the potential environmental impacts due to the deployment and use of LEXRIS. The PEA included a "Finding of No Significant Impact."
(The purpose of deploying and operating LEXRIS is to non-intrusively scan vehicles for the presence of contraband, including weapons of mass destruction, explosives, and illicit drugs. CBP said use of LEXRIS at U.S. ports of entry, for example, directly supports its mission of securing the U.S. borders and homeland from terrorists and other threats while simultaneously facilitating legitimate trade and travel by assisting CBP personnel in preventing contraband, including illegal drugs and terrorist weapons, from entering the U.S. See ITT's Online Archives 12011736 for a summary of CBP's request for comments on the PEA.)