CBP Outlines CEE Entry Summary Procedures, Transition Timelines
CBP provided detailed guidance on the filing procedures and timelines involved with the Centers of Excellence and Expertise (CEEs) in a new document on CEE Test Guidelines and the "Responsibilities and Procedures for Participating Accounts."
CBP said three CEEs, Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals; Electronics; and Automotive and Aerospace, will handle a number of processing functions as of Sept. 27. The agency said the Petroleum, Natural Gas and Minerals CEE will transition to handling the same functions as of Oct. 1. The various process are divided within Release and Entry Processes, Entry Summary Processes, Post-Summary Processes, and Entry Summary Enforcement Process. Processes to be transitioned as of the above dates include:
Entry Summary Processes
Once an account is accepted as a participant, the CEEs will process all entry summaries, regardless of port of entry or commodity, said CBP. When a there's a “docs required” message for an ACS or ACE entry summary, the participating account will need to transmit the necessary documentation electronically via the ACE portal, the DIS or the Center’s email address. The team designation on the statement is the indicator to the participating account or their filer that the required documents must be submitted to the Center for processing. Participating accounts should continue to file EIP/RLF entry summaries as usual and the Center will process accordingly.
Revenue Collection
Those participants that use Periodic Monthly Statement processes may continue to do so. Although participating accounts will submit any “docs required” directly to the Center, a cashier/record copy of the summary (or equivalent) may be submitted with the check and/or statement to the port of entry for collection.
Summary Rejection or Cancellation
An entry summary rejection notice will be issued by the CEE. Participants should electronically submit requests for entry cancellations to their CEE.
Census Warnings
If a participating account receives a Census reject for an ACS entry, the summary must be electronically transmitted to the Center’s email address, unless other arrangements have been made with the Center to resolve Census issues.
Issuance of Forms 28 and 29
Participating accounts will only receive Requests for Information (CBP Form 28) and a Notices of Action (CBP Form 29) from their respective Center. Participating accounts will be responsible for timely responses directly to the Center.
AD/CVD Entries
AD/CVD entry summaries should be filed as usual, however the Center will process the entry summary, it said. Participating accounts that receive a “docs required” message for ACE and ACS AD/CVD entry summaries will need to electronically transmit the necessary documentation through the ACE portal or the Center’s email address. Blanket reimbursement certificates for participating accounts will need to be sent electronically to the Center. Participating accounts should submit requests for administrative refund for overpayment on an AD/CVD entry summary directly to the Center for approval.
The bulletin notice of liquidation (CBP Form 4333) will still be posted at the ports of entry though liquidation for participating accounts, with the exception of quota entries, will be processed by the Center.
Post Summary Processes
Post Summary Adjustments
Post-summary corrections (PSC) should be transmitted by participating accounts as they normally have, though the CEE will process the corrections. When a PSC is transmitted in ACE and documents are required, the documents will be sent electronically through the ACE portal or to the CEE's email address. Post-entry Amendments paperwork must be sent through the ACE portal or to the CEE's email address.
Internal Advice Petitions
Requests for internal advice should go to the appropriate CEE for further coordination with the Office of International Trade, Regulations and Rulings. The CEE will then provide the decision to the requestor.
Protests and Petitions
For protests not filed through ABI, a scanned copy of the CBP Form 19 and supporting documentations should be submitted to the CEE through ACE or the CEE's email address.
Entry Summary Enforcement Process
Prior Disclosures
Participating accounts should submit prior disclosures to the appropriate Center for processing.
Some Processing Remains the Same
CBP said participating accounts do not need to change their existing shipping patterns and may continue to import through the ports of entry as they have in the past, regardless of their status as a Center participant. Participating accounts should continue to submit any necessary documentation for release purposes and adhere to current regulations as they have in the past. The following procedures for participating accounts remain the same and will be processed by the applicable port of entry:
- Cargo Release
- In-bond
- Warehouse Entries
- Bonded Warehouses
- Foreign Trade Zones
- Discrepancies in the amount of monies presented and/or cashier documents as well as assessment and collection of liquidated damages.
- Entry/Entry Summaries, Non-Automated Broker Interface (ABI) entry summaries, ABI nonstatement (ABI/N) and ABI Statement (ABI/S).
- Quota
- Temporary Importations Under Bond
- Payments for Post-Entry Amendments
- Reconciliation Entries
- Drawback
- Post-Entry enforcement actions, including liquidated damages, penalties, petition processing. Enforcement actions for participants will be coordinated with the CEE.
(See ITT's Online Archives 12082733 for summary of CBP pilot program giving CEE directors similar authority as port directors. There are currently two CEEs, one for Electronics in Long Beach, Calif., and one for Pharmaceuticals in New York City. CBP announced plans for two more CEEs, an Automotive and Aerospace center in Detroit and a Petroleum, Natural Gas and Minerals center in Houston, on May 10, but locations of five others scheduled to be completed by the end of FY 2013 are yet to be finalized.)
Filing Inquiries
CBP also updated its information for beginning an inquiry with a CEE. Two of the new CBP Web pages, one for the Petroleum, Natural Gas and Minerals CEE and one for the Automotive and Aerospace CEE, lack any real information but seem to be placeholders for information on those CEEs once available. The Natural Gas CEE page is (here). The Automotive CEE page is (here).
(CBP has said the CEEs will serve as a as a central point of contact for inquiries and resolution of issues regarding certain industries' imports.)
The two other pages for the existing CEEs, one for Electronics and the other for Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemical, outline the types of information CEEs for each industry can help process. Such information includes.
- Technical guidance regarding electronics/pharmaceutical, health and chemical imports
- Clarification of CBP policies and procedures for electronics/pharmaceutical, health and chemical imports
- Assistance with CBP requests for information/action (CF-28s, CF-29s, etc.)
- Assistance with lengthy cargo holds on electronics/pharmaceutical, health and chemical shipments
- Information regarding counterfeit/substandard electronics/pharmaceutical, health and chemical imports
The Pharmaceutical page is (here). The Electronics page is (here).
Inquiries for the electronics CEE can be initiated through email at CEE-Electronics@cbp.dhs.gov or by phone at (562) 256-8765 Monday through Friday (8:00 am to 4:30 pm) Pacific Time. Inquires for the pharmaceutical and chemical CEE can be made by email at CEE-Pharmaceuticals@cbp.dhs.gov or CEE-Chemicals@cbp.dhs.gov or by phone at: (646) 733-5111 Monday through Friday (8:00 am to 4:30 pm) Eastern Time. The CEE test guideline document said emails for the Automotive and Aerospace CEE can be sent to CEE-Automotive@cbp.dhs.gov or CEE-Aerospace@cbp.dhs.gov, while contact information for the Petroleum CEE isn't yet released. Those with inquiries will be asked to describe their concerns or experience and provide contact information and CEE representative will provide a prompt response, said CBP.
CBP also released a fact sheet on the CEEs, providing a condensed version of CEE information, including security requirements for participation and the expected role for the CEEs. The fact sheet is (here).