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CBP Says New ACE Development Strategy Offers Speed, Flexibility

CBP's ACEopedia for August 2012 describes a "New ACE Development Strategy." The new "Agile-like" strategy allows for the additions of smaller functionalities to ACE and has been used in deploying Simplified Entry (SE), the Document Image System (DIS) and Participating Government Agency (PGA) Interoperability, said CBP. The new strategy was the biggest change between the new ACEopedia and previous versions. The new ACEopedia doesn't mention the departure of Cindy Allen, the current head of the ACE Business Office.

(See ITT's Online Archives 12081721 for news of Allen's plans to leave CBP.)

CBP said in the ACEopedia as part of the changes undertaken to put the ACE program back on track, CBP has begun to use a new approach for the development of functionality -- build in modular components, treating each piece of distinct functionality as a separate project that quickly delivers value for stakeholders, and having more frequent delivery of these smaller segments of functionality. ACE stakeholders have already begun to experience how this new methodology works in ACE through SE, DIS and PGA Interoperability, CBP said.

CBP‘s Agile-like development model has some key differences with the approach historically used on the ACE program:

Agile-like releases are smaller, and delivered more rapidly, bringing needed functionality to users more quickly than has been possible in the past.

New progress in deploying ACE includes:

Simplified Entry (SE) -- streamlines the data required to obtain release of products for cargo, eliminating the current entry (CBP Form 3461) for those transactions in the SE pilot.

(The "ACEopedia" also lists the deployed Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) capabilities and their dates as (1) ACE Secure Data Portal (2003), (2) Periodic Monthly Statement (PMS) (2004) , (3) e-Manifest Truck (2007), (4) ACE Entry Summary (2009), (5) Post Summary Corrections (PSC) (2010), Importer Security Filing (ISF) (2009) with the link to ACE delivered in 2011), (6) e-Manifest Rail and Sea (April 2012), and (7) Simplified Entry (May 2012).)

Ranked ACE Priorities and Work Plan

In the ACEopedia and (here) is CBP's table of ACE Priorities and Work Plan. In its seven categories of work, CBP has completed projects in two categories to date (Manifest and Entry Summary). The table remains the same as the previous version.

CBP's completed ACE projects are in italicized text below, while Priority projects and their ranking (1 - 5) are in bold. Projects that are remaining for ACE completion are in normal text.

Category Functionality
Manifeste-Manifest: Truck
Delivery of ACE e-Manifest: Rail and Sea (Rank 1)
Air Manifest
Integration of Multi-Modal Manifest
Vessel Management System
Cargo ReleaseSimplified Entry Phase 1 (Rank 2A)
Document Image System (Rank 2B)
PGA Message Set (Rank 2C)
PGA Interoperability (Rank 2D)
Future phases to build upon delivered functionality for ultimate full delivery of cargo release (Rank 2E)
Entry SummaryACE Accounts and Reports
Periodic Monthly Statement
Entry Summary Filing for Consumption and Informal Entries
Antidumping/Countervailing Duty Entry Filing and Processing
Post Summary Corrections
Entry Summary Edits (Rank 3)
Remaining Entry Summary types and processing
Mail Entry Writing System
Importer Activity Summary Statement/Simplified Summary
Entry liquidation
ExportsExports (Rank 5)
FinancialIntegration of all financial capabilities within ACE
Operations/MaintenancePriority fixes (Problem Reports) (Rank 4)
Ongoing fixes and enhancements to deployed functionality
Rehosting efforts for ACS
Rehosting efforts for AES
Reducing cost of O & M
Transition to the target architecture & open standards
SEI assessment & integration planning
OtherSystem Migration (LIMS, SEACATS, etc.)

New ACE Development Funded in FY 2012 from Carryover Dollars

The ACEopedia continues to state that in fiscal year (FY) 2012, the ACE program entered into the Operations & Maintenance phase with no funding for additional development. The program is using carry-over dollars (from prior years) for development work on the following initiatives:

Unless future funding is available for continuous development of new capabilities, CBP states that development work will cease.

(The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is a Miltie-year project to modernize Customs’ processes, and will become the “single window” for all trade and government agencies involved in importing and exporting. ACE has been underway for over 10 years.

The August 2012 ACEopedia contains sections titled: Executive Summary, ACE overview and business case, ACE deployed capabilities, ACE program priorities, New ACE Development Strategy, e-Manifest rail and sea (M1), cargo release, exports, ACE budget/financial status, and three frequently asked questions.)

(See ITT's Archives 12070926 for a summary of CBP's July ACEopedia).